Friday, November 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This post is the first in what I am calling my Christmas series. The last post in my Christmas series is entitled, “My Year in Six Words”. Grab some hot coco and enjoy!

I hope this letter finds you and your family well and enjoying this wonderful season.
We are finally in our new home, but there is no time to relax yet. We are unpacking and organizing here on Hickory and cleaning and updating at our previous home in order to sell it; I am so thankful for FlyLady! (If you want help with household responsibilities, check out The kids are learning some new rules (no touching the walls and how to clean their own sinks); I am learning how to cook and clean with our new appliances.

I love our new home for so many reasons but I have been surprised at how much I LOVE the location. Besides having wonderful new neighbors and being close to Jane Phillips Elementary, we are now within five minutes (and/or within walking distance) of David’s office, the bank, the library, the post office, the recycling center, two city parks, two community centers, a grocery store, and the new recreational aquatic facility (when it is completed). I should probably also include City Hall and the County Offices as well; it is nice to be close to them since I visited them more this past year than I did during the previous 11 years combined! (LOL!) The only thing that would make the location better would be for our friends who have property over here to be residing here as well.

We have all adjusted well to the move. I was most worried about our dog Murphy and about Brooke. In dog years, Murphy is in his 70’s and we thought the move might be very traumatic for him. So far he seems very happy here; he loves watching us through the back door, which is glass, and when the clothes dryer is on, he likes to rest by the dryer vent because of the warm air. Brookie is in her own room for the first time in her life and she has done so well! I think all of the daily trips over here to look at the construction progress helped her to become comfortable; moving here has been a very natural thing to her.

The last two years have been an exciting adventure and I feel so blessed by everything that God has given to us – a wonderful family, marriage, home, friends, purpose, and of course, our salvation!

Well, I need to go find a box to unpack! Keep reading to see the Top Ten Settle Quotes from 2008.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!


Marci said...

I finally just completed reading all of your recent posts! Wow!

I am so glad you are finally over here closer to us.

I wish were over there in the neighborhood- - - I love the people over there.

I am glad you are getting settled, no pun intended.

You really have me thinking about how to sum up 2008 in six words- - you stole some of my words. LOL

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and look forward to more time together!

Anonymous said...

hey sonja david jack claire and brooke im going to try to visit you sometime but gas is more expensive here in broken arrow :)but ill try to get there to visit
--by katie best friend of jack and claire and hopefully brooke