Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I have been tagged!

I have been "tagged" and so here is my response. First . . .

The inquisition...

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post, the player tags 5-6 people, posts their names, then leaves a comment in their respective blogs to let them know they've been tagged.
4. Let the person who tagged you know that you posted your answers.


1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago was pre-parenthood. Can I even remember life, pre-parenthood? I was busy working on the ninth floor of the Bartlesville hospital in the fitness center called the Wellness Connection. I was probably in the best shape of my life because I regularly exercised 3-4 hours a day between my job and my personal workouts (and somehow, like with Bible studies or spending quality time with my kids -- I felt like I should exercise more. Now I would love to have just one solid hour per day to do it!) David and I were three years into our marriage and two years into paying off our student loans. My spending allowance each week was only $10 and I used that to buy birthday and Christmas presents -- how, I don't know!!

2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today? 1. Laundry 2. Sweep 3. Order one last thing for Claire's birthday. 4. Plan out the rest of the summer (that has been on my list for the last two weeks!). 5. Play with the children.

3. What are some snacks you enjoy? Well, if I did not have to worry about health and calories, my snack choice would be a candy bar and a coke! Other snacks I like right now are watermelon and hard-boiled eggs (they are my "it" food right now because they are only 75 calories and are loaded with protein and nutrients. I learned in nutrition in college that eating cholesterol does not raise your cholesterol level. Eating fat (especially saturated fat) DOES raise your blood cholesterol, so I am okay with eating eggs).

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire? Like Marci, I would share a lot of the money. I see things on the West side of town where I wish we had more money so that I could help. But aside from charitable uses, I would love to have the financial ability to travel with the children so that they could learn history and see the places firsthand where things happened. I would also love to visit my dear friend Caroline in France and meet her family and introduce her to mine.

5. What are 3 of your bad habits? 1. Saying yes, when I should say no. 2. Second-guessing myself. 3. Not making my exercise time sacred.

6. What are 5 places you have lived? 1. Bartlesville, OK 2. Oklahoma City, OK 3. Norman, OK 4. Tulsa, OK 5. Ardmore, OK (hometown)

7. What are 5 jobs you've had? 1. YMCA Camp Counselor 2. YMCA Concession stand worker (at the basketball games) 3. Greenhouse worker (at University of Tulsa) 4. Wal-Mart cashier and customer service 5. Personal Fitness Trainer/Aerobic Instructor

8. What is currently playing on your IPOD? I don't have an iPod yet.

9. What are the last 5-6 books you've read? I am working through the Newbery Award winners (the award for outstanding fiction for children) so a lot of these are going to be children's books. 1. The Tale of Despereaux (I HIGHLY recommend this as a read-aloud book -- it has a princess, her rescuer, the dichotomies of good/evil, light/dark, revenge/forgiveness and it is just beautifully written, short chapters and a cliff-hanger at the end of each chapter --it is a delight for kids and adults.) 2. All the King's Men (about politics, power, corruption) 3. A Gathering of Days 4. The Witch of Blackbird Pond (historical fiction -- also one of my FAVORITES) 5. Bridges Out of Poverty

10. Who do you want to tag?
Sorry, ladies, but I am tagging . . .
1. Kylie
2. Becky
3. Nat
4. Ruth

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