Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Correction: things I love and things I hate

Oops -- I realized that primarily because of the dichotomy that I set up here that I misspoke (how's that for "politician-ese"?). I don't hate teachers who abuse kids -- I hate WHEN teachers abuse kids or another way, I hate the ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR, not the person. The abusive teacher of whom I was speaking professes to be a Christian and so I pray for the Holy Spirit to convict him.

Also, I meant to include these two things and somehow, I did not get them on the list.

One thing I hate: when a single strand of hair lands on my shirt and feels like a spider on my arm and then I look around to see what it is and it takes me about 10 times to finally find the single strand of hair.

One thing I love: the soup cans that have a flip-top lid so you don't have to use a can-opener.

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