Friday, August 15, 2008

The Golden Rule in Real Life

Friends in Bartlesville --
Many of you know that the county is in desperate need of a new jail. No one can deny that it is a legitimate need. However, the current plan to put the jail in a residential area is an illegitimate way to fill that need.

The City Council and the County regularly must make choices -- one thing versus another, where there is not necessarily a right or a wrong, just two different choices. The current jail plan however is nothing but WRONG, a tangible example of injustice. You may ask how I can be so certain and so "black and white" on this issue. When God's word is used as a plumb line, it is easy!

Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Matthew 22:40
Treat people the same way you want them to treat you. Matthew 7:12

I can say with 100% certainty, that there is NOT ONE city council member who would vote to put a jail in his/her own neighborhood. I can say with 100% certainty that there is NOT ONE county commissioner who would vote to put a jail in his/her own neighborhood. If they obey God's command to love their (west side) neighbors as themselves, then they should NOT vote to put it in this west side neighborhood either.

However, the County obviously expects the City Council to vote in favor of re-zoning because they proceeded to purchase the land even though the Metropolitan Area Planning Committee voted AGAINST rezoning. If the rezoning measure passes in the City Council, then the future of the jail will eventually be in the hands of Bartlesville residents. We will have the opportunity to vote yes or no.

One hundred years from now, what will historians say about the leaders of Bartlesville and the residents of Bartlesville if we all voted in favor of this plan? One hundred years from now, will it be a blantant example of exploitation of the poor? Of mistreatment of African-Americans? Of the powerful taking advantage of the weak? Of a double standard?

So, what about you? Would you want a jail in your neighborhood? I am pretty sure I know your answer and if you treat your west side neighbors the same way you would want to be treated regarding this issue, then ACTION is required. At the very least, vote NO when this issue comes up and let our leaders know WHY you voted against the jail.

If you want to be more involved, here is an email that my husband sent out:

This public hearing at city council (7pm Mon 08/18/2008) is the last chance to meaningfully contribute to the process of giving a voice to the neighbors (overwhelming majority oppose the jail). Please consider showing up in person to the meeting as a show of support for the neighbors. You can sign up to speak if you prefer, but the mere presence of large numbers of individuals in the room will convey a strong message:

These people are important (no less important than any other neighbors in our city)...their concerns are valid....and they will not be ignored.

We need you Monday night!

P.S. A disclaimer, in case anyone was wondering . . . before we purchased our property on Hickory, we knew that it would be within 300 feet of the possible future jail site. However, we strongly believed that this was the right place for us and that there was real hope for revitalization in this area, so we went forward with our plans. And, incidentally, although I am obviously passionately against the jail being there, God has already used this issue for good because it has enabled us to get to know all of our future neighbors and to join them in a shared cause.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Jeff will definitely be there- -not sure about me yet because I don't really want to take the kids.