Tuesday, May 27, 2008

13th Anniversary and Politics

Tonight David and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. Sort of. :) We ate a meal together and had an uninterrupted conversation (save the wait staff), which was really nice. Then we were off to a public hearing about the rezoning of property that would allow for the placement of the Washington County jail inside a residential area. We spoke as did many of our future neighbors and the rezoning effort failed with MAPC (metropolitan area planning commission). I don't know if what we said influenced the decision or not. Next it will go to the City Council -- we'll see what happens . . .

One other really great thing that happened was that we had the most awesome sitter tonight. How awesome was she? Let me tell you . . . The dishwasher was full of clean dishes so the kids were unable to load up their dirty dishes after they ate dinner. Instead of leaving them in the sink or on the table or on the counter, our sitter WASHED them, DRIED them, and put them AWAY. Notice I am not telling you her name because I want to keep her all to ourselves!! :)

I hope to be able to post pictures again soon. The site has not allowed me to upload any for the last few days. If anyone knows why, let me know.

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